
October 20, 2015

The Transition

Breadwinning Mom:  As Maya grows older and becomes less dependent on Daddy, we start to reassess the importance of one parent remaining at home full-time.  The […]
October 11, 2015

Babysitting for the Soul

As a full-time dad, my brother-in-law needed a little break.  He too, can appreciate and understand the challenges of raising a little girl all on his […]
October 4, 2015

Forgotten Romance

Maya’s birthday falls just 2 days before our anniversary.  Every year we struggle with how to plan this effectively, while still individualizing each moment.  However, this […]
September 22, 2015

Innovate Anything

Maya is almost 8 and we still struggle with a consistent chore routine for her.  My husband was careful not to associate ‘allowance money’ with chores […]