Maya is FULL of energy. I honestly don’t know where she gets it. If she’s not singing…she’s dancing, skipping, cartwheeling, playing dress up, getting into my jewelry, or wrestling on the floor with our little furry Reina. Ernesto is relatively tame. As a stay-at-home dad, he spends most of his day keeping up the house or running errands. I’m the high strung character of the bunch. Usually nervous or uptight about something that needs to get done or the sky will literally start falling. I’m the worst kind of person to live with, but somehow Maya is immune to it and just frolics
about the house without a care in the world! When Maya does find time to relax, it’s usually to watch her favorite shows. Sabrina, Jesse or iCarly. However it’s impossible for her to be still for too long. In no time, she’s rolling around the couch, doing flips and somersaults. This couch takes a serious beating. She won’t sit on the couch but on top of it, along the back rest. She’ll lay on every part of it and jump over it, on it and beside it. She will hang off it half-way, upside-down, while lying on the floor. Keep in mind, this is all continuous. There are no pauses. It’s an absolute spectacle to watch. The most comical is watching Reina find space to curl up without getting trampled by The Incredible Maya…circus performer extraordinaire. So Ernesto endearingly named this behavior “Couch Acro” and I just chuckle every time I hear it. Maya, no couch acro. You’re going to hurt yourself. Maya, enough with the couch acro. That poor sofa is so disfigured. Maya, basta con el couch acro. This house is not a jungle gym. Her response is always the same. “It’s not couch acro. It’s called boredom!” We just shake our heads with a half-smile, hoping one day this all will just flush out of her system and our dog (and couch) will survive the warfare. However, I am an opportunist. With the Rio Olympics soon upon us, I’d like the committee to take a close look. Perhaps a supplement for gymnasts?? I really think we’re onto something here!